82 research outputs found

    The Communication Network of Online Prostitution in Twitter

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    Humans widely use Twitter for various communication purposes. One advancement in communication due to the inception of this technology is online prostitution, which enables Twitter users to quickly, openly, and vulgarly flirt. Prostitution is no longer a taboo in Eastern society. This study aims to obtain an overview of online prostitution communication networks on Twitter, using the Social Media Analysis method with Sentimentviz application. The results show that intact communication networks were formed between actors, irrespective of the limited number. Twitter accounts are used to promote commercial sex services by each actor through their timeline and hashtags such as #openbo, #realangel, #bispak, #bisyar. At the group level, some actors have a unique position to help service marketing by retweeting messages and functioning as pimps. As for ego-centered networks, most actors stand-alone without being associated with others in promoting commercial sex services


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    The disclosure of several cases of online prostitution using the MiChat application in major cities of Indonesia shows that the phenomenon of prostitution is increasing. Prostitution practices are prohibited in Indonesia as it included in human trafficking. Furthermore, prostitution using virtual networks is part of cyber-crime regulated in the Electronic Information and Transactions Law. Despite the existing regulations, online prostitution activity continues. One of the reasons is the use of social media and online applications that facilitate the distribution of sexual services. This study aims to obtain an overview of online prostitution activity through the MiChat application and its solutions. This study used a content analysis method equipped with interviews with informants who are competent in handling prostitution. The results of the study concluded that the 'people nearby' feature in the MiChat application was dominated by accounts aimed at online prostitution, including the promotion of sexual services through profile information, timelines, and uploading photos/ videos related to service offerings, payment execution, also customer testimonials. Various efforts have been made by the government by blocking negative content regarding prostitution, but unfortunately, the platform itself has not been closed. In addition, all parties have taken preventive measures in terms of the prevention and handling of online prostitution

    Realitas Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Dan Transgender (Lgbt) Dalam Majalah

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    : The presence of new media is so fast, do not make the traditional media such as magazines die. Magazine persisted even migrated to the online magazine. Segmentation increasingly diverse magazine specifically for women, men, teens, children, families, until the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender).The presence of specialized magazines LGBT, much opposed from the general public in Indonesia. Because, the activity of LGBT incompatible with the religion. But specifically LGBT magazines still exist and have to function as a mass media. It has the advantage of a highly segmented audience that the issues contained in this magazine are also very specific and will be sought as a requirement for a special audience. With magazines, illustrated also LGBT reinforces their existence despite a lot of opposition. It is precisely through this medium; LGBT people can freely express themselves and their gender identity at the same time to give effect to its readers

    Political Marketing Dan Media Sosial (Studi Political Marketing Capres RI 2014 Melalui Facebook)

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    The background of this research is the phenomenon of wasteful cost of political campaigns in the 2014 presidential election and the distrust towards the candidate of the leaders. This study focuses on the issue of political marketing. The research objective is to get an overview of candidates political marketing (Prabowo and Jokowi) through Facebook. The method used is qualitative content analysis of the 4 categories of political marketing: policy, figures, parties and imaging. The study concluded that Prabowo policies tend to be global while Jokowi sectoral. Prabowo was described as confident, assertive, strong, trustworthy person and experienced one. Jokowi was depicted as a person who always listen, pay attention, love, defend and likes blusukan. Prabowo wanted to build a democratic nation. While Jokowi hoped Indonesia as a sovereign, independent, and cultured state. In image building, Prabowo highlighted the desire of supporters while Jokowi highlighted the working program. Political marketing is an attempt to provide political education by offering product quality according to the needs of society. Presidential candidates need to understand and carefully offer a product for public policy requires a presidential candidate who is able to accomplish state country, not rhetoric

    Akurasi Berita dalam Jurnalisme Online (Kasus Dugaan Korupsi Mahkamah Konstitusi di Portal Berita Detiknews)

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    Jurnalisme online kerap menjadi sorotan karena sering kali mengorbankan prinsip-prinsip dasar jurnalisme seperti akurasi berita demi mengejar kecepatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan akurasi berita dalam jurnalisme online khususnya kasus dugaan korupsi Mahkamah Konstitusi di portal berita detikNews.com. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian analisis isi, hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan bahwa sebagai media jurnalisme online, detikNews tetap memegang teguh akurasi pemberitaannya. Ini terlihat dari hasil kuantitatif lima kategorisasi akurasi berita yang dikaji yaitu cek dan ricek; kesalahan penulisan pada data; sumber berita yang relevan; akurasi judul dengan isi; serta akurasi antara foto dengan isi. Semua kategori bernilai diatas lima puluh persen

    Communication Patterns in Cybercrime (Love Scams Case)

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    The development of information technology and communications gave rise to a new phenomenon as cybercrime. Based on the report of the State of The Internet in 2013 concluded that Indonesia has many records of crimes largest internet world and was second ranked the criminal case of cybercrime in the world\u27s. One of the most widely experienced cybercrime cases of Indonesian women is love scams (relationship of love by the internet). Communication patterns waged performer of cybercrime (scammers) who had known the victim was more credible than the direct communication of a person who has been known to be close. The purpose of this study was to describe the patterns of communication in the cybercrime. The method used is qualitative content analysis using Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Models consisting of impersonal, interpersonal and hyperpesonal. This study concludes three patterns awoke in the case of love scams. The message source (scammers) have great control over they self and is in communication settings with the victims who did not know who they are. Because the scammers usually to convey the elements themselves are best personality, achievement, and appearance (photo)by internet channel. Message recipients (victims) who are lonely and looking for a mate usually flattered directly with messages of love and use feedback. Intense communication was established that the victim is tricked and lost hundreds of millions of rupiahs

    Literasi Media pada Anak di Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia dan Timor Leste

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    Anak-anak merupakan kelompok usia yang paling mudah terkena dampak positif maupun negatif media massa seperti televisi, radio dan internet. Maka, diperlukan pencerdasan berinteraksi (literasi) terhadap media untuk mengakses, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan mengkomunikasikan informasi yang diterima melalui media. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan, tingkat literasi media anak untuk kategori mengakses media hasilnya berbeda. Untuk televisi, responden berada pada level 5 yaitu pengguna telah paham penggunaan dan tujuan mengakses televisi. Radio pada level 3 dimana anak telah dapat mengidentifikasi perangkat yang digunakan meski hanya secara dangkal. Dan internet pada level 2 yaitu pengguna menunjukkan sedikit interaksi (lemah) terhadap media tersebut. Meski dari segi kuantitatif jumlah ini terbilang rendah (kecuali televisi) namun rata-rata responden telah sampai pada level 5 untuk indikator literasi media lainnya yaitu menganalisis, mengevaluasi dan mengkomunikasikan isi pesan media. Artinya anak-anak di daerah perbatasan telah mampu menghubungkan perasaan pribadi, pengalaman, harapan, ketakutan, refleksi atau kepercayaan dengan teks yang mereka terima dari media

    Framing Berita Polemik Lurah Lenteng Agung pada Media Online

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    Media kini banyak menyuguhi beragam berita dari sebuah peristiwa yang sama. Media satu menonjolkan aspek tertentu, sedangkan media lainnya meminimalis bahkan menutupi sisi tersebut. Hal ini mengakibatkan media cenderung tidak independen/objektif, karena berbagai kepentingan yang diusung oleh media. Termasuk pada kasus polemik Lurah Lenteng Agung. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media online Kompas.com dan Republika.online dalam me-framing berita tentang polemik Lurah Lenteng Agung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis isi kualitatif dengan model framing Robert Entman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kompas.com lebih banyak memberitakan masalah ini daripada Republika.Online. Kedua media ini mendefinisikan masalah penolakan sebagian warga Lenteng Agung terhadap lurah Susan Zulkifli karena berbeda agama dan jender (define problems) dan merumuskan masalah tidak hanya terfokus pada Susan saja tetapi juga pada aktor lainnya seperti Mendagri dan Gubernur/Wagub Jakarta (diagnose causes). Disamping itu, Kompas.com menghadirkan pihak-pihak yang pro Susan maupun tidak. Sementara Republika.online tidak secara langsung melibatkan warga yang menolak Susan (make moral judgement). Kompas.com menampilkan aktor-aktor independen yang dapat melihat polemik kasus ini lebih independen sebagai upaya penyelesaian masalah. Sedangkan Republika.online lebih menonjolkan aksi damai yang disampaikan sendiri oleh Susan (treatment recommendations)
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